Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Albert Einstein's Quotes - Part II

His quotations have a sure way of teaching us the basics (and not physics for a change!) :)

If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. 

How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? (Ahem! Ahem!)

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts. (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton) 
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor. Imagination is more important than knowledge. 

Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal. 

You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits (Oh this is my all-time fav!) 

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. 

If you can speak of technical things only in technical terms, you do not understand them. 

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. 

Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity. 

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?

                                                                                                                              Albert Einstein

Thursday, September 5, 2024


I found myself standing alone in a dark room.
Where no light could touch me, no one to hear me...
Felt the chilly breeze run through my hair...
I knew he was there, everywhere...

The love I felt made me numb,
To his wishes so I succumb,
He tore me to pieces...
Now I am busy gathering my shreds.
Still in the room, alone but warm!

Charu Agarwal

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Mood swings in Females, Alcoholism in males!

Men muse on it and girls remain confused.

At times even they don’t know why they reacted in a particular fashion, may be it’s the mood swings.

But science has an explanation to certain behavioral patterns commonly seen (and mostly abhorred by men). Men and women respond differently to reductions in serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates mood and impulsivity. Using a technique called acute tryptophan depletion, which decreases serotonin levels in the brain, it’s found that men become more impulsive, but are less susceptible to mood swings.

Women, on the other hand, experience worsening of their mood and became more cautious -- a response associated with depression (and anxiety sometimes). Soon after the serotonin levels normal up (no relation to watching TV or their men wooing them) they bounce back to their most charming disposition.

The findings might help men understand "why women show a higher prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders compared to men, (even when they are not on their periods) while they show a higher prevalence of alcoholism and impulse control disorders"

Wait a min guys, it never means its girly to be moody-though we do have the hear warming share of it..:-)

Charu Agarwal

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A grain of sand...

It was a fine day of spring when the wind blew as it always has been. The sun stood at the sentinel as the trees swayed frantically in revelry only to subvert what the wind whispered to them, what it knew about the frail, senile creature who had ineptly occupied a small bench under the tree, eyes void of all emotions and his face bland. He had been a new entry at the asylum, accosted with a couple of more such joy hearts, about whom people knew just a too little. Infact, they were considered too bawdy to be cared for. But the wind knew more. As it blew past his cryptic eyes, percolating his slack beard, it tried to surmise the cause of his detonation...

It had seen him as a jovial man, in mid-thirties, and at the pinnacle of his career, where the aura of his persona mused all those who met him. It had seen veneration in the eyes of those who read his poetry and extolled on his impeccable “work” of art. The skill to proliferate the simplest of human emotions to a diadem has been his forte. Life had been considerably fair to him and had honed out an artist who was revered for his immaculate skills. He never married for he preferred to be alone with his thought, his art!
It was his love, it was his life.

..and then the day arrived. The day that whisked off the debacle of his skills, mooting his art, pulverizing his retinue…

One day as he was dawdling to his way back home, the idea of writing a testimony to self alluded him. He smirked at the idea of parleying his grandeur (hitherto) to words that world would read and the thoughts of siring his life to a meaningful work of art enthused his spirits. But fate had a very simple stratagem to jostle his canopy and more importantly, shock his art he so profusely trusted and banked upon.

Charu Agarwal

Thursday, February 1, 2024


It was the usual evening outside Vanitha’s two room apartment. The roads were jammed with vehicles glaring horns at each other furiously in lieu of reaching their respective home the fastest they could. She could clearly hear the radio screaming the latest songs from cars, but was too distracted to reach for the window panes. Her neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Reddy were already back from God knows where.
She squirmed slightly in her couch, placing her slender body more carefully to fill in the contours of the couch while trying to concentrate on the movie she had decided to watch as she waited for Utsav to come home.

She had been married to Utsav for five years now and it had been a perfect marriage by far. Utsav was a jovial guy with attractive looks and fantabulous temperament. He was every thing a wife would want him to be and everything she would not want him to be!
She took a deep breath as if to let out the relentlessness that had been occupying her but her eyes lit with magic as her roving eyes fixated on the photo frame placed callously on the table by her side. The man smiled back ineffably from behind the frame she herself had handcrafted, setting the deeply set brown eyes to mischief as they peeped through the closely knitted brows.

Just then the movie declared a break and she felt the much familiar emptiness queering her contentment as she began to recall the day’s events.
It wasn’t the break for sure.
The day had started and sailed through as most of her weekdays were. She gave a second glance to the frame placed by her side and suddenly realized what it was. The television resumed the movie as promised but she was no longer interested. With great effort she twitched once again in her couch, making a mental note as she dawdled towards the cupboard stationed in her bed room. Without wasting any time she stuck her hand inside to the debris of the piled clothes, pulling out an almost tattered picture of a tall youth in his mid twenties. The man here bore a broader smile, his teeth sparkling white against the tanned complexion and was one of the best looking men she had set her eyes on. But what she loved most about this particular picture was the way his passion for Scotch came though as he raised the glass to a toast, never mind what the occasion was! He was unmistakably her first love, the sight of which made her get back to her comfort zone. She gave a long conceiting look until she realized it was almost the time for Utsav to return!
She hurriedly made the planned moves and replaced herself to the comfort of her couch, lilting to the song the enthusiastic couple in the movie sang

It was none less than ten minutes when the door bell startled her. She sprung up instantaneously anticipating who it might be. The man smiled back from behind the doors with similar mischief.

“Hey, you changed that picture of mine!” he gasped noticing the frame slightly tilted.
“I think you looked more handsome before our marriage, honey”, she teased as she threw her arms around his neck.
“Oh!” giggled Utsav
“What’s for dinner?” intrigued Utsav
“Scotch!!” she smiled back.

Charu Agarwal