Monday, August 20, 2007

The monk-ey business

The monk who sold his ferrari

Before you sit with the book, please look for a word of advice. Decide what exactly you are looking for in the book. If it’s just a read what you want, bang on but if you are expecting it to CHANGE your life overnight, please, hang on. You might end up thinking you have wasted rupees 175/- and 5 hrs, if you were bold enough to sit with the book from start to finish without wandering half way.

Feeling terribly guilty about deferring the book (since it was released) the book rooted singular change in me. It forced me to be more contemptuous with this review. I, nevertheless rate the book 4 on a 10 scale, and that too for some real nice quotes that are suggested here and there. One can think of framing them on the bedroom walls. Now who doesn’t like to be reminded of something that has NOT come from our old possessions! (It’s mostly taken from the great Indian and non Indian philosophers)

The book for sure had nothing fresh to offer. Robin Sharma (RS) kept playing on the same tunes, those which we have heard a several times from our dear old granny. The examples, that he so explicitly dealt with only interrupted with whatever little flow he was able to create with his nice quotes.
But hey hold on, the book is not THAT a crap. With the first 60 pages you can streamline the book considerably and decide what next you would do with the book.
If you are, by any chance, slogging past the 196 pages just to quench your curiosity about what happens to the immediate pupil of the newest monk (mention not the good grand red Ferrari) you need not be any genius. Just the fact that you want to do away with the book ASAP, signals of your average intelligence that would enable you to anticipate what RS would or better so COULD think. No points for guessing that.

Robin Sharma, nevertheless, has been able to gather considerably devoted audiences that so piously promote his wisdom. Now how would they know where this flabby wisdom comes from? Its purely is not soul satisfying. The usage of fat-fat words, I wish could give us more wisdom than the book itself. Sigh, only now we know he keeps a bald head. Read the book if you still haven’t got the point.

While I liked his writing skills, I am sure not many of us were reading it to learn reading/writing good English. Where is the life blood Sharma Ji??


black rainbow said...

nice sense of humor(new hobby-trying to be american). to tell you the truth i wrote the review with just have read 5 pages, couldnt go any further. nice review, charu ji (new hobby- trying to be indian).
=sumanto majumder.
(fellow robin-sharma-basher club member on mouthshut)

Shyama said...

Hmmm...RS has lost one more could be fan :)

Unknown said...

brilliant brilliant writing