Thursday, August 9, 2007

The God’s World, In Man’s Way

The only sound that could be heard of was the tick of the clock that lay hung on some aloof corner of the wall. My heart was also beating, but the muft beats were too faint to be heard amidst confusion that roared loud in my mind. The day had been eventless albeit something kept me awake while the rest of the world was peacefully tucked in their beds. I tried hard to convince myself of righteousness of the events around me but the harder I tried, the worse I started to undergo. Then suddenly I remembered an old saying “When nothing helps, God does!” I immediately closed my eyes and tried to remember Him. I think He was on his way to see, me but the drudgery in my mind thwarted His pace and I had to wait for long.

I almost was falling asleep when I softly murmured to myself with a deep sigh “Where are you?”

“Inside you!” answered a deep voice that seemed to have come from the depths of the darkness.

I was instantly awakened and I stared with my eyes wide open rolling on to the sides. The tiredness and the sleepiness seemed to have deserted me and here I was, my mind racing to search for a clue. The first thought to strike me was that I was speaking to GOD! “Damn my friends are going to relish this piece of news for weeks and have bites of pleasure and roars of laughter teasing me. I rejected the thought completely. I knew this would sound clumsy and an overtly cooked version of my wildest of dreams. But, I heard many istics (theists) drilling down the fact and convincing the layman about God’s Omnipresence. Although I nodded vigorously to this several times, I took chance and contested the voice.
“Inside? How can that be? I have never felt you within?”

“Have you ever changed your decision the last moment that kept you wondering why at all you did that? Have you ever done something on impulse that you later realized has saved you from a bad experience?

“Yes” I mumbled

That’s me. I am your voice within.” The voice said with triumph.

“So you mean you are GOD!”

He smiled, but I was getting impatient with questions fumbling in my mind. I was beginning to think faster.

“So in what form do you exist?”

“I am the voice within that you most of the time ignore. I am the light that shows you way when you are held by darkness and I also manipulate your decisions sometimes. You address me with countless names and remember me in varied forms which I consent to for your convenience. The essence is in believing me and keeping me in your conduct. To me the names and the forms you assign to me are trivial. I exist in the form of faith and love and I exist only inside you.”

“If that is what you do, why is there not peace around and inside us?”

The answer came with a smile “When I created man, I liked him the best off all my creations so I gave away my most priced possession as a gift to him. I gave him intelligence with which came the right to choose. I wanted to see how he would occupy this gift and what outcome would that bring to mankind. While he has the mind to compete with my creations, he also is at par to destroy it. He has done both. Man has made outstanding achievements that I am so proud of, yet he has done things that bring shame to is own credo. He is behind both. Yet, man blames me.

“But why this choice? You know the end from the beginning. You knew how your gift will be erroneously handled?”

“I knew that the gift would come with its malice, and could bring spiteful consequences but I didn’t want to limit his options and bind him to goodness. He has the wit to question what he does and what he sees around. This brings him closer to the reality and affirms in his mind what he does is by choice, he also has a choice to change paths which might cross and escort him to me. Man chooses his fate. He is what he wants to be. He has risen to great heights with his tenacity and conviction in his endeavors and has fallen to oblivion with his malevolence.
The same applies to my relation and his love towards me. I gave man the choice even when it comes to loving me. I did not want to bind him into any kind of relationship with me. When he comes to me, I want to see his arms widespread and that is possible only when his doubts melt and he believes in my existence as much as he believes in his ability to question the same. ”

“But when you see that man is so unworthy of your gift, why don’t you withdraw it?”

“No”. He answered back flatly. “I can’t withdraw my gift. All I can do is to guard its sanctity. Although I am a silent witness to his conduct, I reserve the right to maneuver his actions and show him direction as when the need be. This direction from me is your voice within. Again, (he smiles) you have the choice to perceive or discount it.”

I started to feel my curiosity rising with every word of His. “Why did you create this world? What were you thinking?” I asked wary of whether he would answer my anxiety at all.
This time he laughed out aloud. I was at peace to see that He was not bothered with my angst hitherto.

“I wanted to splash colours around.” He answered back. “The prime attributes to me are strength and emotions. I wanted man (and all living beings) to live and experience these. The world that you see is purely steered by them. Besides, I instilled the light and energy to help you make way through the deepest of trouble and equipped you with intelligence to make your way, in my world. The same applied to other beings too. (except that man has intelligence extra). I showed no fondness to any particular emotion and splattered them evenly in all shades. This answers why there is as much agony in mans world as is pleasure and love. That’s the way of life.
Besides, I supplemented the world with what all livings being would need and made them interdependent so that none takes over the control unaccompanied. All that I made a part of this world have their existence and role predefined. Everything here has a purpose and has its end in me.

“If this is so, please elaborate what should be the ideal way to live and where should we see the end?” I asked in awe with the newly acquired facts of life.

“There is no end to life and there is no ideal way to it. Different people may define it differently. Talk to yourself and see what your take on it is. Live your life on your terms as it belongs to you, but never ignore your interdependence on other elements in this world and theirs on you. Never forget that this interdependence is enduring and extends unto me.

My curiosity was hitherto pulverized and with the glorious voice stimulating my thoughts, bending it infinitely I was dumbstruck with one question that I knew could quench my thirst to distinguish His ways. “How can we grow with you God?” I somehow managed the words out.

“By holding my hand. My left hand is Hope and right is Love.” were His last words as I lay awake trying to decipher my existence in His world.

PS: The verses and the ideas to this article are my own and open to debate(not with me). It is not biased to any religion.


Unknown said...

You posted the same thing twice and now I am confused where to comment in because obviously one of them is going to get deleted later on. Awesome concept which makes for brilliant reading, however you could still work on the sentence structure. Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

You seem to be a much deeper person than you appear to be.
Wonderful thought process about a conversation with God!

In today's times it's hard to find a soul who can put accross the idea in such a beautiful way.

Amazing write up.

I wasn't surprised to know that you are a Gemini because only a Gemini can have the ability to be so outspoken (your review on RS WWCWYD)& critical in one place & deep & imaginative in another.

Keep it up!


Anonymous said...

Well.. I have three words for you
Awesome, Awesome, Awesome..

Great write up
Keep it up